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Wake Forest student locks up his bike outside Johnson Residence as he returns for the beginning of the Spring 2021 semester on Sunday, January 24, 2021.

Transportation & Parking Services encourages bicycling whether for exercise or transportation.

Bicycle Registration

If you park your bike or scooter on campus, Transportation and Parking Services recommends it be registered. Register your bicycle by simply completing the form below.

Once your permit is processed, you will receive an email to let you know that the permit is ready for pickup at the Transportation and Parking Services office. The office is located at 138 Alumni Hall. Regular hours of operation are:

  • Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

If you do not wish to take advantage of the online registration, please visit the Transportation and Parking Services Office during the regular business hours above and register your bike in person.

Bike Fix-it Station location on campus map.

Fix-It Station

Conveniently located in front of Taylor Residence Hall on the Campus Grounds patio. The Dero Bike Fixit Station includes an air pump and other tools to complete basic bike maintenance.

Bike Share Program

Borrow a bike for the entire semester or just for the weekend. All WFU students, faculty, and staff are eligible to participate in the Re-Cycle bike-sharing program.

 Student's bike on the campus of Wake Forest University.

Sustainability Studies