Registration information & the online registration process.
Permit Information, Permit fees, Parking locations.
Permit Information, Permit fees, Parking locations.
Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants & Graduate Hall Directors information.
Register Your Vehicle, Pay or Appeal Citations, & Manage Your Account.
Vehicle Registration
General Information
All permits will now be virtual. You will no longer be required to have a physical permit. For more information please visit our License Plate Recognition website.
Anyone enrolled in any class or program at Wake Forest University, including study-abroad programs who wish to park a vehicle in a university parking lot at any time of day or night, including after 4:00 p.m. on weekdays, on weekends, and during academic breaks, must register that vehicle with WFU Transportation and Parking Services.
The online registration process requires the vehicle license plate number and state, make, model, color, year, and fuel type of the vehicle. If your vehicle has a temporary license plate number, please use that to register the vehicle. Parking permits are not transferable from person to person. Graduate, undergraduate, and transfer students may request parking permits. Eligibility will be based on student classification and resident or commuter status.
Fall 2024 Vehicle Registration and Permit Information
First-year student vehicle registration will begin Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. EST. To register your vehicle, visit the WFU Parking Portal. This website is also a great place to find information about parking during certain events like Thanksgiving, Winter Break or Spring Break.
PLEASE NOTE: To access the parking portal, you must specifically select your WFU Google account to login. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the portal. All other Google users must be logged out completely.
Vehicle Parking Information: After move-in, students should keep their vehicles on campus and park in general parking lots only until Sunday, August 25. Starting Monday, August 26, 2024, at 8:00 a.m., all first-year student vehicles will need to be in the first-year lot, Z5.
Shuttle Information:The Wake Line shuttle system, with service to Wake Downtown, shopping, and off-campus housing is the easiest way to get from the heart of campus to popular areas in Winston-Salem. Download the Passio GO app now to be able to track shuttles in real time. Airport shuttles are also available during seasonal breaks, making it easy for you to travel without a car.
Second-year student vehicle registration will begin Monday, August 5, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. EST. To register your vehicle, visit the WFU Parking Portal. This website is also a great place to find information about parking during certain events like Thanksgiving, Winter Break or Spring Break.
It’s highly recommended that you go online before August 5 and ensure your vehicle information is correct, including the correct license plate number.
PLEASE NOTE: To access the parking portal, you must specifically select your WFU Google account to login. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the portal. All other Google users must be logged out completely.
Resident student vehicle registration will begin Friday, August 2, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. EST. To register your vehicle, visit the WFU Parking Portal. This website is also a great place to find information about parking during certain events like Thanksgiving, Winter Break or Spring Break.
It’s highly recommended that you go online before August 2 and ensure your vehicle information is correct, including the correct license plate number.
PLEASE NOTE: To access the parking portal, you must specifically select your WFU Google account to login. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the portal. All other Google users must be logged out completely.
Deacon Place resident student vehicle registration will begin Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. EST. To register your vehicle, visit the WFU Parking Portal. This website is also a great place to find information about parking during certain events like Thanksgiving, Winter Break or Spring Break.
It’s highly recommended that you go online before August 7 and ensure your vehicle information is correct, including the correct license plate number.
PLEASE NOTE: To access the parking portal, you must specifically select your WFU Google account to login. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the portal. All other Google users must be logged out completely
Commuter student vehicle registration will begin Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. EST. To register your vehicle, visit the WFU Parking Portal. This website is also a great place to find information about parking during certain events like Thanksgiving, Winter Break or Spring Break.
Important Registration Note – Please Read:
If you sign on before 10:00 a.m., you will see a message informing that you will be placed in line to purchase a permit once permit sales begin. Logging in before 10:00 a.m. does not guarantee you a higher position in line. Doing so could lessen your chances of a permit purchase, as sales do not officially open until 10:00 a.m.
By signing on at 10:00 a.m., you will be placed in the queue in sequential order. Anyone signed on before 10:00 a.m. will be placed randomly in the queue. Therefore, it is highly recommended you do not log in before 10:00 a.m.
Do not create a guest account. Doing so will prevent you from purchasing a permit. If you have already created a guest account, please get in touch with Transportation and Parking Services before August 6.
It’s highly recommended that you go online before August 6 and ensure your vehicle information is correct, including the correct license plate number.
In order to access the parking portal, you must specifically select your WFU Google account to login. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the portal. All other Google users must be logged out completely.
Register your vehicle or manage your account:
Student Parking
First & Second-Year Student Parking
First & second-year students will only be issued permits that reflect their class and will not have an on-campus permit option. These permits cannot be changed/upgraded midyear due to earned credits changing their student classification.
Students with off-campus permit prefixes of FR & SO may bring their vehicles on campus after 4:00 p.m. and all day on weekends and park in General, Faculty/Staff, or Visitor lots that are not designated “24-Hour Reserved”. Lots C and D are unauthorized 24/7.
Vehicles with an off-campus permit cannot park on campus between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Parking in a time-limited space is allowed between 8:00 a.m. –4:00 p.m. on weekdays. Parking for longer than the allotted time for that space can result in being cited.
First Year/Resident Student Parking:
- Fee: $345
- Parking Location & Map: Lot Z5 First Assembly Christian School (3730 University Parkway) is located on the North side of the church.
Second-Year Student Parking:
- Fee: $345
- Parking Location & Map: Lot Z2 off Polo Rd and Overflow Parking
Theme Housing
- Students parking at Theme houses must register their vehicles to park at these locations. Students living in theme housing must also inform the Transportation and Parking Services Office. Authorization will be added to your vehicle’s license plate on your parking account.
- Sophomore students will only be issued permits based on their student classification and do not have an option for on-campus parking.
- Sophomore permits are authorized to park on campus 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends. Parking is authorized in general and employee spaces/lots are not reserved.
- Students who purchase a permit and will be going abroad in the spring must request the permit be electronically returned by December 13 to receive a partial refund (1/2 the purchase price).
- Students who will be abroad in the fall do not need to order a permit until January 2025.
- Permits purchased in August are valid for the entire academic year. Permits are not exchanged if a student’s classification changes mid-year from sophomore to junior due to credits earned.
Third & Fourth-Year Student Parking
Resident, Deacon Place, & Commuter third & fourth-year students may request to park on campus in specified lots.
In addition to General lots, vehicles with a permit prefix of RS and CS may park in Faculty/Staff and Visitor lots between 4:00 pm -8:00 am that are not designated “24-Hour Reserved.” Lots C and D are designated “24-Hour Reserved.” Resident (RS) permits are not authorized to park in Lot W1 between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on weekdays.
Resident Student
- Fee: $570
- Parking Location & Map: Resident Student.
Deacon Place Parking
- Fee: $570
- Parking Location & Map: Deacon Place.
On-Campus Commuter
- Fee: $570
- Parking Location & Map: On-Campus Commuter.
Off-Campus Commuter
- Fee: $345
- Parking Location & Map: First Assembly of God Church (3730 University Parkway), parking lots Z3 and Z4.
Evening Permit to park on campus after 4 pm on weekdays
- Fee: $85
- Location: Park on campus after 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Theme Housing
Students residing in theme housing are required to register their vehicles.
- Purchase a resident permit ($570) to park at your theme house and allows regular on-campus parking between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Underclassmen who are freshmen or sophomore students will only be issued permits based on the current student classification and will not have an on-campus permit option.
- Resident permits require supplemental authorization, in addition to your parking permit, to park in the theme house parking lots. Authorization will be added to your vehicle’s license plate on your parking account. Students will need to let Transportation and Parking Services know they need this additional authorization.
- Students who purchase a permit and will be going abroad in the spring must request the permit be electronically returned by December 13 to receive a partial refund (1/2 the purchase price).
- Students who will be abroad in the fall do not need to order a permit until January 2025.
Graduate Student Parking
All first-year graduate students only have the option of off-campus permits. Students employed by the University as graduate teaching assistants or graduate hall directors (GHDs) are required to purchase a student permit and do not qualify for the faculty/staff parking fee structure.
Students with off-campus permit prefixes OC & EV may bring their vehicles on campus and park in general lots after 4 pm. In addition to General lots, vehicles with a permit prefix of CS, OC, or EV may park in Faculty/Staff and Visitor lots between 4:00 pm -8:00 am that are not designated “24-Hour Reserved.” Lots C and D are designated “24-Hour Reserved.” on weekdays.
On-Campus Commuter
- Fee: $570
- Parking Location & Map: On-campus.
Commuter Student Off-Campus Permits
- Fee: $345
- Location: First Assembly of God Church, parking lots Z3 and Z4.
Evening Permit to park on campus after 4 pm on weekdays
- Fee: $85
- Location: Park on campus after 4 pm on weekdays.