Browse the topics below for more information and answers to Transportation & Parking Services’ most frequently asked questions.
General FAQs
If you are a student or employee, you can create an account or log into your existing WFU Parking Portal account and purchase a permit under Permits – Get Permits. Adding a vehicle without completing the purchase process does not mean your vehicle is registered.
Visitors must have the person they’re visiting request a complimentary visitor permit for them or come to the Transportation and Parking Services office to purchase a permit ($50/semester).
The new vehicle should be added to your Vehicles page on the Parking Portal. Once added, contact parking@wfu.edu and we will switch your permit over to it.
Students who do not have a registered vehicle for the academic year can purchase a temporary permit for up to four weeks per academic year at a cost of $15 per week. If you have a temporary vehicle, you must register the vehicle with the Transportation and Parking Services office.If you have a registered vehicle and will be using a different vehicle for a short period of time, add it to the Vehicles page on the Parking Portal and contact parking@wfu.edu with how long you will need it. We will add it to your permit for that time frame.
The most frequent citations issued include:
- Having an off-campus permit and being parked on campus during restricted hours. (8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday)
- Not registering your vehicle. (Citation costs will escalate)
- Parking in a fire lane for any reason.
- Parking in reserved spaces or parking lots that are for permits other than yours.
- Parking in handicapped spaces without a placard or using a placard that is not issued to you. Handicapped spaces are state mandated and enforceable by University Police as well.
You can be cited for more than one violation at a time. Parking Rules and Regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether class is in session or not.
There are lots on each side of Long Drive. Should both Z3 and Z4 be full, you can overflow into either Z2 (Sophomore) or Z5 (First Year). Please be aware of the reserved faculty/staff parking in Z3. These spaces are individually marked.
All appeals are filed online from the parking portal through your parking account. The first level appeal must be submitted 14 of the citation issue date.
Second-level appeals must be submitted 7 days after the first-level appeal decision.
To appeal any citations, you must first login to your parking account. If you pull up the citation prior to logging in, you will not see the appeal option.
Student citation fines are automatically charged to their student financial account.
WFU faculty, staff, visitors, concessionaires, vendors or others, may pay citation charges in one of two ways:
- Check or Card in the Transportation and Parking Services lobby in Alumni Hall or by mail to: Wake Forest University, Parking and Transportation, PO Box 7244, Winston Salem, NC 27106. Check should be made payable to Wake Forest University.
- With a valid credit card, you may pay your citation online. You will need your citation number and your license plate number to pay the citation.
Visit Ride the Wake to find shuttle routes and schedules.
One-time visitors, meaning someone who has never been on campus before, can park in any general or visitor space/lot.
Frequent visitors, meaning here more than once, must register for a parking permit through the Transportation and Parking Office.
Contact the Transportation & Parking Services office to request a “do not ticket”. Information for “do not ticket” requests can be found in the Rules and Regulations in section 2.17.
Lot C is a visitor-only lot.
Lot D is an employee-only lot.
Any space with a permanent sign or marked 24/7 is reserved at all times.
You can access your parking account through the WFU Parking Portal. or through the google apps in your Wake Forest email.
Faculty/Staff FAQs
Faculty and staff that work on the Reynolda Campus.
A. Faculty and staff who work at Bridger Field House, Graylyn, Human Resources (HR), Reynolda Gardens, Reynolda House, Reynolda Village, University Corporate Center (UCC), or any other satellite locations are not required to pay for a parking hangtag but must have their vehicles registered with Transportation and Parking Services in order to be issued an off-campus parking hangtag.
Yes. Faculty/Staff parking fees are calculated on a current percentage of 0.3% of pre-tax compensation from each regular paycheck and are paid over the course of the year. This fee is not prorated.
Yes. The parking fee provides access to parking on campus and is not designed to be a per day or prorated access pass. There is no daily parking pass option available.
Yes. Wake Downtown is considered an extension of the Reynolda Campus.
Permanent Wake Downtown Faculty/Staff:
- Pay 0.3% of pre-tax compensation through payroll deduction
- No secondary fee to park at IQ
Dual Wake Downtown and WFU Faculty/ Staff:
- Pay 0.3% of pre-tax compensation through payroll deduction
- No secondary fee to park at IQ
- Can park on the Reynolda Campus and at IQ
Only if your primary work location is on the Reynolda Campus. Off-campus parking is free and is located across Polo Rd.
Yes. However, if you exchange an on-campus hangtag for an off-campus hangtag, you cannot exchange it again for one year.
Yes, but you cannot exchange again for an on-campus permit for one year.
No. You will need to contact Transportation and Parking Services.
336.758.PARK (7275)
Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
To view the Faculty / Staff Parking & Transportation Administrative Procedure information and view a downloadable pdf visit our Policies & Resources website.