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The mission of the Parking Enforcement Team is to ensure appropriate parking spaces are available for appropriate permittees.

Parking lot designations are posted at the entrance of each parking lot. Parking Rules & Regulations are in effect and enforced 24 hours a day, 7-days a week throughout the year, whether classes are in session or not.

Parking Violations & Associated Fines

Transportation & Parking Services’ first priority is to ensure all vehicles parked in University lots and designated spaces are registered with the department. Parking lot designations are posted at the entrance of each parking lot. Parking Rules & Regulations are in effect and enforced 24 hours a day, 7-days a week throughout the year, whether classes are in session or not. Accumulated citations are the responsibility of the vehicle owner/operator.

Violation Description Amount of Fine
Blocking or obstructing a loading dock or trash dumpster$100
Boot immobilization fee$100
Damage to a boot/immobilization device$450
Displaying an altered, counterfeit, stolen or lost parking decal$100
Failure to display a valid decal$25
Failure to register vehicle$50 1st offense, $75 for 2nd & 3rd offense, $100 for 4th & subsequent offenses.
Improper display of a parking decal, permit or pass$25
Improperly parked (outside a space, not in a designated space, facing wrong direction, etc.)$35
Obstructing or impeding the flow of traffic$100
Overtime parking in a time limited space$50
Parked behind North Campus Apartments (excludes time limited spaces)$100
Parked in a Zip-Car space$100
Parked in an unauthorizd zone, location or parking lot$50 1st offense, $75 for 2nd & 3rd offense, $100 for 4th & subsequent offenses.
Parked in an unauthorized space (motorcycle in a vehicle space or vice-versa)$25
Parked in or blocking a fire lane, hydrant, or connection$100
Parked in or obstructing a crosswalk or driveway$100
Parked on a sidewalk, grass, patio or othernon-paved surface$50
Parked on campus during unauthorized hours$50 1st offense, $75 for 2nd & 3rd offense, $100 for 4th & subsequent offenses.
Parking in a No Parking Zone$50
Tow administrative charge (separate from the tow company's charge)$125
Unauthorized parking in a "reserved" space space, lot or area.$50
Unauthorized parking in spaces reserved for the WFU President$100
Unauthorized parking or blocking a handicap space, striped van access area or sidewalk ramp. $250

Vehicle Immobilization (Booting & Towing)


Before a boot is installed, a prior notification/warning will be given to the registered driver or placed on the vehicle to be booted that several violations have occurred. These notifications are intended to allow the vehicle operator to correct improper parking behavior and contact Transportation and Parking Services.

Registered Vehicles


Number of CitationsAction TakenNext Steps
10th CitationBoot Warning Issued
11th CitationVehicle BootedDriver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee.
12th Citation Vehicle TowedDriver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees.


Number of CitationsAction Taken Next Steps
4th Citation Boot Warning
5th CitationVehicle BootedDriver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee.
6th Citation (and any further citations thereafter)Vehicle TowedDriver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees.

Unregistered Vehicles


Number of CitationsAction Taken Next Steps
1st Citation Warning
2nd Citation$50 Fine
3rd Citation $75 Fine & Boot Warning
4th Citation Vehicle BootedDriver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee.
5th Citation (if vehicle remains unregistered)Vehicle TowedDriver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees.

Registered Vehicle (Non-Students)


Number of CitationsAction Taken Next Steps
4th CitationBoot Warning Issued
5th CitationVehicle BootedDriver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee.
6th Citation Vehicle TowedDriver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees.


Transportation and Parking Services will make a reasonable effort to notify the owner before a vehicle is towed, but is under no obligation to contact the owner of a vehicle at the time it is towed.

All vehicles that have been towed from WFU-owned property will be removed to Venable’s Wrecker Service | 5640 Shattalon Drive |Winston- Salem, NC 27105 |  336-661-6005.

Vehicles may be released during business hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Venable’s Wrecker Service will not release vehicles until a vehicle release form is obtained from the Transportation and Parking Services office and the University’s Tow Administrative charge is paid. After 5 pm, vehicles will only be released for emergency circumstances by calling 336-721-0101.

The owner/operator will be responsible for Venable’s “After Hours Emergency” service fees and all of Venable’s towing and storage fees.  The operator’s transportation to the towing company’s lot must be arranged by the vehicle owner/operator.

Any one or more of the following acts or omissions will subject a person to having their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense:

  • When parked on the traveled portion of a street, parking lot, or drive.
  • When parked in a handicap space without a valid, state-authorized handicap placard displayed and/or the person the placard is issued to is not present
  • Vehicle blocking access to a fire hydrant or located in a fire lane
  • Vehicle blocking a trash dumpster
  • When parked in any space or area for which a notice is posted that states that towing is enforced
  • Any infraction of the WFU Parking Rules and Regulations if the vehicle is operated by a scofflaw.  If the vehicle is determined by WFU to be derelict under North Carolina General Statute 20-137.7(4).
  • If the vehicle has been booted and its operator has not contacted Transportation and Parking Services after 48 hours.
  • When the operator’s vehicle is not properly registered with the Transportation and Parking Services office; is in violation of any North Carolina vehicle registration law; has an altered vehicle ID or license; is reported stolen, or is used in a crime or “abandoned” as defined by North Carolina Statute 20-137.7(1) (see Appendix A).
  • When the operator’s vehicle is parked in Reynolda Village customer parking lots, unless pursuant to an Off-Campus permit and parked in the student/faculty/staff lot located across the bridge in the Northwest corner of Reynolda Village. Parking is permitted in Reynolda Village customer lots for a limited time (up to 3 hours) when the vehicle’s operator is shopping in Reynolda Village.
  • Booted or towed vehicles that are abandoned will be disposed of, and all fees relating to the booting, towing, and/or disposal of the vehicle will be due and payable by the owner/operator to the party, whether the University, a wrecker service, or another third party, that incurred the fee(s).

Appeals Process

The owner/operator of a vehicle booted or towed may appeal such actions in accordance with article IV of the WFU Parking Rules and Regulations (see Appendix B).