License Plate Recognition (LPR)
What is License Plate Recognition?
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is an advanced parking technology that provides virtual permits through a vehicle’s license plate instead of decals and hangtags. LPR increases parking efficiency on campus, provides convenience for the parking customer, and greatly reduces the amount of paper and plastic waste produced.
When a vehicle parks on campus, the license plate is captured by cameras mounted on parking patrol vehicles. LPR works similarly to a supermarket scanner with your license plate functioning as the barcode. When read, the numbers of your plate are automatically referenced against the parking database to verify a valid permit and the proper parking privileges for the lot location. If the license plate and vehicle information are not associated with a valid virtual permit or the vehicle is parked in an inappropriate lot (Faculty/Staff vs. General), then the vehicle will be subject to a citation.
Individuals will register their vehicle plate information into the online parking system when purchasing their virtual permits. The LPR software then combines this information with the individual’s payment (payroll deduction for faculty/staff) and generates a virtual permit linked to that vehicle’s license plate number.
How does LPR benefit me?
- Eliminates the need to display physical permits and the need to move permits from vehicle to vehicle.
- No more forgetting your permit and having to return to your vehicle to display a permit.
- No worries about lost or stolen permits because your license plate is your permit.
- Eliminating permits falling from a rearview mirror or being displayed improperly.
- No standing in line to pick up a permit
Virtual Permits
The license plate information collected in this process will only be referenced against the Parking Services database to verify that your vehicle is registered and legally parked.
Faculty, staff, students, and concessionaires can purchase virtual permits online. Visitors must visit the Transportation and Parking Services office to purchase permits.
Faculty, staff, students, visitors, and concessionaires may visit the Transportation and Parking Services office to register their vehicles.
All parking lot privileges remain the same and are based upon your virtual permit type (Faculty, Staff, Student, Concessionaire, Resident, On and Off Campus Commuter, etc.). Vehicles parked in areas on campus not associated with their virtual permit type will be subject to citation.
License Plates
It is imperative that your license plate and vehicle information is current and correct to avoid an unnecessary citation. Please visit your WFU online parking account to update your information. Please add all new vehicles with new license plates.
If you have any changes to vehicles with existing license plates contact the Transportation and Parking Services Office. This includes removing any vehicles.
If you have a new vehicle with an existing license plate, update by selecting the vehicle plate and then editing the information vehicle description. If you no longer own a vehicle listed, contact to have the vehicle removed from your account.
If you have a personalized plate with less than 7 characters, or if you have a special character within your plate (heart, star, etc.), please skip the special character when entering the number into the system and simply include the remaining characters on the plate. Do not add spaces or dashes to license plates if they are present. For example: Plate A$AP would be entered as AAP and plate KVD-1672 would be KVD1672. For license plates that have large and small letters or numbers, enter all the letters and numbers shown.

This license plate would be entered as FP60526
LPR must have a clear view of the rear license plate. Vehicles should not back into or pull through parking spaces.
Your information can be viewed and updated via your WFU online parking account. You will be asked to login with your WFU ID and password
Multiple Vehicles/Temporary Vehicles
Faculty and Staff are allowed to register multiple vehicles under the same virtual permit, but only one vehicle may be parked on campus at one time. LPR will recognize the first vehicle it scans as valid but any additional vehicle parked on campus will alert parking staff of the unauthorized vehicle.
Students and Concessionaires can only register one vehicle. If a second vehicle is to be registered, you must visit the Transportation and Parking Services office with the vehicle registration for proof of ownership. Both vehicles are not permitted to park on campus at the same time.
Contact Transportation and Parking Services for the next steps to register your temporary vehicle.
The LPR system has difficulty recognizing vehicles listed on multiple virtual permit accounts. To avoid being cited in error, we recommend only listing your vehicle on your own virtual permit. If the vehicle has a valid virtual permit, listing the vehicle on another account is not necessary. To register a second vehicle to your virtual permit temporarily, please contact Transportation and Parking Services.
All permits are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual to whom it is assigned. Permit privileges will be revoked for any individuals found sharing virtual permits or in violation of WFU the Parking Rules and Regulations.