Policies, Procedures & Forms

Review or download policies, procedures, and forms related to Transportation & Parking Services.
The University requires that all vehicles be registered with the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. This requirement applies to any motor vehicle needing an official permit for parking on-campus or off-campus, as well as other active modes of transportation vehicles as defined under these guidelines. Registration for all motor vehicles and active modes of transportation vehicles helps to identify ownership and aids in recovery should the vehicle be lost or stolen.
Active Modes of Transportation Vehicle Registration
Active modes of transportation vehicles are defined as small, wheeled modes of conveyance, which include, but are not limited to, bikes, scooters, e-bikes, and e-scooters. There is no charge for the registration of an active mode of transportation vehicle.
Active Mode of Transportation Vehicle Parking
The intent of the parking guidelines is to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
- Active mode of transportation vehicles may not be parked in courtyards, on sidewalks, in front of buildings or on grass.
- Only park active mode of transportation vehicles at the nearest bike rack. If a bike rack is full, go to the next nearest bike rack.
- Never secure active mode of transportation vehicles to a light pole, sign post, railing, stairwell, bench, tree, or other undesignated areas.
- Any improperly parked or secured vehicle may be confiscated and fines may be imposed.
Small Vehicle Safety Tips
- Obey all traffic laws.
- Observe all stop lights and stop signs.
- Wear a helmet.
- Yield to pedestrians
- Obey local laws, and ordinances and follow best riding practices when riding a small vehicle. Visit the links below for more information
- Never leave accessories or loose items on your vehicle.
- Use hand signals with stopping or turning. More information on hand signals can be found below.
To provide guidelines for booting and towing vehicles parked on property owned by Wake Forest University (WFU) that are in violation of the WFU Parking Rules and Regulations.
- Booting – To disable a vehicle by attaching a vehicle immobilizer, commonly referred to as a “boot”/wheel-lock or Barnacle/windshield immobilizer.
- Scofflaw – One who habitually violates parking rules and regulations or fails to respond to notifications and citations. A habitual violator is one who has been issued 12 or more citations within a single fiscal year (July 1 — June 30), whether or not the violator pays all fines or charges associated with the citations.
- Before a boot is installed, prior notification/warning will be given to the registered driver or placed on the vehicle to be booted that several violations have occurred. These notifications are intended to allow the vehicle operator to correct improper parking behavior and contact Transportation and Parking Services.
Number of Citations | Action Taken | Next Steps |
10th Citation | Boot Warning Issued | |
11th Citation | Vehicle Booted | Driver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee. |
12th Citation | Vehicle Towed | Driver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees. |
Number of Citations | Action Taken | Next Steps |
4th Citation | Boot Warning | |
5th Citation | Vehicle Booted | Driver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee. |
6th Citation (and any further citations thereafter) | Vehicle Towed | Driver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees. |
Number of Citations | Action Taken | Next Steps |
4th Citation | Boot Warning Issued | |
5th Citation | Vehicle Booted | Driver signs boot release form and is advised vehicle will be towed upon receiving next citation; $100 boot fine imposed & $45 Barnacle immobilizer release fee. |
6th Citation | Vehicle Towed | Driver signs release form; $125 administrative fee & towing company fees. |
Vehicle Recovery | Boot Removal
- Follow instructions placed on vehicle for release or contact Transportation and Parking Services, Monday thru Thursday between 8:30 am. — 4:30 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. A Release Authorization Form is required to be signed once a boot is removed.
- Authorized operator must present to Transportation and Parking Services a photo ID, proof of vehicle ownership and WFU ID (if applicable).
- Student operator
- Student citations and associated boot fees will be paid automatically through their student account.
- Faculty or Staff operator
- Faculty and staff citations must be paid in full. Check, credit card and money orders are the only forms of payment accepted.
- Non-WFU Employee operator
- Visit Transportation and Parking Services Mon — Thurs. from 8:30 a.m. —4:30 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Non-WFU employees must pay all outstanding citations. Check, credit card and money orders are the only forms of payment accepted.
- In the event the entire balance is not paid, the operator has the option to set up a payment plan using the Payment Plan Request Form. The form states a certain amount has to be paid by a certain day every month until the balance is paid.
- After Hours Vehicle Recovery | Boot Removal
- An operator seeking to recover their vehicle outside the above-stated hours will be required to wait until the following business day, unless an after-hours enforcement officer is on duty.
- Any one or more of the following acts or omissions will subject a person to having their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense:
- When parked on a traveled portion of a street, parking lot or drive.
- When parked in a handicap space without a valid, state-authorized handicap placard displayed and/or the person the placard is issued to is not present,
- Vehicle blocking access to a fire hydrant or located in a fire lane
- Vehicle blocking a trash dumpster,
- When parked in any space or area for which a notice is posted that states that towing is enforced,
- Any infraction of the WFU Parking Rules and Regulations if the vehicle is operated by a scofflaw. If the vehicle is determined by WFU to be “derelict” under North Carolina General Statutes 20-137.7 (4) (see Appendix A).
- If the vehicle has been booted and its operator has not contacted Transportation and Parking Services after 48-hours.
- When the operator’s vehicle is parked in Reynolda Village customer parking lots, unless pursuant to an Off-Campus permit and parked in the student/faculty/staff lot located across the bridge in the Northwest corner of Reynolda Village. Parking is permitted in Reynolda Village customer lots for a limited time (up to 3 hours) when the vehicle’s operator is shopping in Reynolda Village.
- When the operator’s vehicle is not properly registered with the Transportation and Parking Services office; is in violation of any North Carolina vehicle registration law; has an altered vehicle ID or license; is reported stolen; or is used in a crime or “abandoned” as defined by North Carolina General Statutes 20-137.7(1) (see Appendix A).
- Booted or towed vehicles that are abandoned will be disposed of, and all fees relating to the booting, towing, and/or disposal of the vehicle will be due and payable by the owner/operator to the party, whether the University, a wrecker service, or another third party, that incurred the fee(s).
- Unless there are extenuating circumstances that require the vehicle to be towed immediately, Transportation and Parking Services authorization is required before towing a vehicle based on one of the conditions described above in section (a). Vehicles towed by University Police do not require authorization or owner notification.
- A visual vehicle inspection will be conducted, identifying and documenting any existing vehicle damage and visible vehicle contents, before a vehicle is towed. “Documenting” may, but need not, include photographing the vehicle and/or visible contents. Additionally, the WFU Police Department may be notified when a vehicle is towed.
- All vehicles that have been towed from WFU-owned property will be removed to Venable’s Wrecker Service and stored at:
- 5640 Shattalon Drive | Winston-Salem, NC 27105 | 336-661-6005
- Vehicles may be released during business hours of 7:30 am-5:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Vehicles will not be released by Venable’s Wrecker Service until the following are satisfied:
- Pay $125 WFU Tow Administrative Charge at Transportation and Parking Services (Alumni Hall, Room 138).
- Complete vehicle release form after paying Tow Administrative Charge.
- Make arrangements to pay tow fees accumulated with Venable’s and pick-up vehicle. After 5 pm, vehicles will only be released for emergency circumstances by calling 336-721-0101. The owner/operator will be responsible for Venable’s “After Hours Emergency” service fees and all of Venable’s towing and storage fees.
- The operator’s transportation to the towing company’s lot must be arranged by the vehicle owner/operator.
- Transportation and Parking Services will make a reasonable effort to notify the owner before a vehicle is towed, but is under no obligation to contact the owner of a vehicle at the time it is towed.
Towed Vehicle Recovery/Payment
- In addition to all WFU-imposed fines and charges, the owner/operator of a towed vehicle is responsible for payment of all towing and storage fees charged
by Venable’s Wrecker Service.
Appeals Process
- The owner/operator of a vehicle booted or towed in accordance with this Policy may appeal such actions in accordance with article IV of the WFU Parking Rules and Regulations (see Appendix B).
N.C.G.S §20-137.7 Definitions of words and phrases.
The following words and phrases when used in this Part shall for the purpose of this Part have the meaning respectively prescribed to them in this Part, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
- “Abandoned vehicle” means a motor vehicle that has remained illegally on private or public property for a period of more than 10 days with the out the consent of the owner or person in control of the property.
- [intentionally omitted]
- [intentionally omitted]
- “Derelict vehicle” means a motor vehicle:
- a. Whose certificate of registration has expired and the registered and legal owner no longer resides at the address listed on the last certificate of registration on record with the North Carolina Department of Transportation; or
- b. Whose major parts have been removed so as to render the vehicle inoperable and incapable of passing inspection as required under existing standards; or
- c. Whose manufacturer’s serial plates, vehicle identification numbers, license number plates, and any other means of identification have been removed so as to nullify efforts to locate or identify the registered and legal owner; or
- d. Whose registered and legal owner of record disclaims ownership or releases his rights thereto; or
- e. Which is more than 12 years old and does not bear a current license as required by the Department.
- (5)-(lo) [intentionally omitted]
Parking Rules and Regulations
Article IV — Appeals
4.1 All first-level appeals must be filed online from the WFU Parking Portal. The appeal must be completed 14 calendar days from the date which appears on the citation or the appeal will not be accepted. The citation issuance date is not counted as the first day of the 14-calendar day appeal period. A person must have readily available the citation number and vehicle plate number before an online appeal can be filed. Individual appeals must be filed for each citation being appealed. An explanation is required for each citation appealed.
4.2 The appeals officer is appointed by the Transportation and Parking Services Advisory Committee. The appeals officer, a nonpartisan University agent with no relation to parking enforcement authorities, will review the written appeal and may grant or deny the appeal. Notification of the appeal decision will be communicated via email. Appellants can also check the status of their appeal on their parking account, online. Transportation and Parking Services staff does not take part in the appeal decisions; therefore, they cannot explain the appeal officer’s reasoning for approving or denying appeals and the appeals officer’s name remains anonymous. If you disagree with the decision, then you must file the second level of appeals within 7 calendar days of receiving the first-level decision.
4.3 It is the duty of the Transportation and Parking Services Advisory Committee to review 2nd-level appeals. The Transportation and Parking Services Advisory Committee will meet regularly during the academic year for appellate consideration. These meetings are not open for public attendance and the appellant will not appear in front of the Advisory Committee. Second-level appeals must be submitted online within 7 days of the first-level appeal decision.
4.4 Graduating, transferring, or terminating students obtaining citations after being cleared by the University, must pay the citation(s) if an appeal is not immediately possible. The student will be allowed to appeal the following semester. If the appeals officer or Transportation and Parking Services Advisory Committee rules in the appellant’s favor, monies paid will be refunded.
All decisions of the Transportation and Parking Services Advisory Committee shall be final.
Wake Forest University encourages faculty and staff to share the ride to and from campus in an effort to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicular travel. Ridesharing saves money and gas and reduces air pollution.
How it Works:
Two or more employees who live near one another, or along the same commuting route, and who work similar hours, can register with the Parking and Transportation office as a carpool. Members of a carpool agree to forfeit their individual parking permits and are issued one carpool hangtag, at no cost, to be exchanged between drivers. Each individual vehicle that will use the carpool hangtag must be registered with the Parking and Transportation office. Members of the carpool can choose one location on campus to which they would like to park closest and the Parking and Transportation office will designate a carpool space as near to that location as possible. At the time of registration, each member of the carpool will be issued four (4) daily parking passes to use for an individual vehicle that can be used throughout the year to accommodate special commuting circumstances.
Getting Started:
- If you haven’t already identified a rideshare partner, visit SharetheRideNC to join the secure WFU online ridesharing network to find potential carpool partners. Using your home and work addresses, you will be matched to nearby commuters with similar schedules. Your home address will never appear on match lists.
- When you receive your list of matches, you may choose whom to contact. There are no obligations or requirements.
- Once a carpool is formed, the group will designate a point of contact (POC). The designated POC will visit the Parking and Transportation office to complete an application listing all carpool members and their vehicles.
- Each individual carpool member must also visit the Parking and Transportation office and provide the following:
- Proof of ownership for the vehicle he/she will drive to campus
Eligibility and Rules:
- The carpool program is open to all Wake Forest faculty and staff currently employed by
the University. - Carpool groups must consist of two (2) or more participants.
- Participants should live along a reasonable commuting path and work similar hours.
- Each carpool member must return any individual WFU parking permit(s).
- One carpool hangtag is issued and shared between the members of the carpool group.
- Carpool hangtags are not interchangeable between carpool groups.
- One member of each carpool is designated as the Point of Contact (POC).
- All vehicles used by carpool members must be registered with the Parking and
Transportation office. - Members of the carpool can choose a location on campus to which they would like to park nearest and Parking and Transportation will designate a carpool space as near to that
location as possible. - At the time of registration, each member of the carpool will be issued eight (8) daily-use hangtag parking permits for the year, or four (4) per semester if registering for one semester only. Users will clearly mark the daily-use hangtag permits with the date of use. Vehicles displaying daily-use hangtags that are not appropriately marked will be cited.
- Carpool groups can register at any point during the year and will need to renew
registration during the annual parking permit registration period in order to receive new
daily-use hangtags for the new academic year. - In the event a carpool disbands, the Parking and Transportation office must be notified. If a carpool is made up of just two (2) employees, the remaining member will have 30 days to fill the vacancy. If the vacancy remains unfilled after 30 days, the carpool will be considered void and the remaining member must return the carpool hangtag to the Parking and Transportation office and apply for an individual permit.
- Any participant providing fraudulent information in order to obtain a carpool permit will be removed from the carpool eligibility list. The vehicle displaying the fraudulently obtained permit may also be cited and booted or towed at the owner’s expense.
Emergency Ride Needs:
- In the case of a personal or family emergency, the Parking and Transportation office will
reimburse a carpool member for cab fare upon submission of a valid receipt. - In the case of scheduled appointments or other driving needs during the workday, carpool
members are encouraged to maintain a membership in Zipcar. Any of the four vehicles in the WFU shared fleet can be reserved and used as needed at a low hourly rate. - Additional daily-use hangtags are available for $5.00 each at the Parking and Transportation office.
Effective: 01/20/2011
Revised: April 4, 2019
The purpose of this policy is to outline the process to reserve a parking facility and explain which facilities are available for reservation.
Although specific parking lots can be reserved for events, it is preferred that departments advise visitors to use the General Lots when visiting campus. A parking map of these lots can be reviewed on the WFU Campus Interactive Map: General Parking Lots.
Reserving interior campus lots, such as lot B, results in faculty and staff being displaced from their usual parking locations. Organizations requesting parking are encouraged to consider other arrangements such as routing vehicles to parking lots with low vehicle
occupancies or to off-campus lots and shuttling visitors to campus.
Should reserving a lot be necessary, a one-week notice is required. Transportation and Parking Services cannot guarantee a reserved lot with less than one week advance notice.
Lots Available for Reservations
- Davis Field (on-campus) – 60 spaces
- Lot B (on-campus) – 34 spaces
- Lot A (Outer perimeter only and on-campus) – 52 spaces
- First Assembly of God Church Lots Z3 (off-campus and located on Polo Rd. at University Parkway) – 50 spaces and would require shuttle service
- BB&T (off-campus) – Approximately 1,000 spaces and requires shuttle service
and approval from Athletics.
Davis Field Reservations
To reserve Davis Field for parking, you must request a reservation through Deacon Space. If a reservation is confirmed, University Police must be contacted so security personnel can be scheduled to staff the Davis Field parking area and to direct vehicles where / how to park. A WFU Police Services Request Form must be completed. To schedule “curb ramps” to be in place to allow vehicles to enter Davis Field requires
that a Work Order be submitted through Facilities and Campus services seventy-two (72) in advance. A Work Order can be submitted by calling 758-4255.
Inclement Weather Plans
Due to the risk of inclement weather, it is required that a rain back-up plan be in place in advance of your event should Davis Field not be available. The Transportation and Parking Services Director should be contacted to schedule back-up arrangements and can be contacted at 758-2558 (campus phone) or cristaj@wfu.edu. It should be noted that if
Davis Field becomes unavailable and the expectation of vehicles for the event exceeds 60 vehicles, then alternate rain plans may require vehicles to be parked off-campus and shuttled back / forth to campus (See Large Events section below).
The Director of Landscape should be contacted the day before the event to advise if Davis Field can be used. The Director of Landscape can be contacted at 758-6070 (campus phone), 782-6105 (mobile phone) or coffeyjb@wfu.edu.
On-Campus Lot Reservations (A-outer perimeter, Lot B)
To reserve an on-campus lot, you must request a reservation through Deacon Space. The Transportation and Parking Services Director should be contacted to confirm the reservation. The only on-campus surface lots that can be reserved are Lots A (outer perimeter only) and Lot B. Lot N can only be
reserved for presidential sponsored events. Once a lot is confirmed, University Police must be contacted so security personnel can be scheduled to man the lot. A WFU Police Services Request Form must be completed.
Single Space Reservations
Single spaces can be reserved by completing a request form on the Transportation and Parking Services website. Once approved, Transportation and Parking Services will make arrangements for placement of a cone(s) at the appropriate lot/space(s).
Large Events
Events that may be expecting more than 60 vehicles will be required to make parking arrangements off-campus and shuttle passengers to campus. This will reduce campus vehicle congestion and assist visitors in finding a parking space much faster. Lots that
can be used for large events include First Assembly of God Church lot Z3 on Long Dr. or BB&T Field, with prior approval from Athletics.
Requests for shuttle bus services can be requested from Workday.
If you are hosting a special event on-campus, it is required that you provide directional parking signage for your event. Signs should be placed to ensure all three WFU entrances provide directional signage to the appropriate on-campus lot. The event organizer is
responsible for procuring signs and installing / removing signs after each event.
The preferred sign to be used are A-Frame or 24” x 18” sign on an H-frame wire stake, as they are easy to put in the ground and easier to manage when distributing. See sample below:

Below are two vendors that can assist with signs.
Piedmont Signs
1800 Conrad Sawmill Road| Pfafftown, NC 27040 | Phone: 336-749-4110
Main contact: Ken Baker | ken@candosites.net
Carroll Signs & Advertising
151-B Jefferson Church Rd. | King, NC 27021 | Phone: 336-983-3415
Main contact: Kyle Carroll | kyle@carrollsigns.com
Miscellaneous Parking
- Events consisting of a small number of visitors (5-10) on campus can park in Lot N (Visitor Lot) or any General Lot without requesting a reservation.
- Visitors that will be on-campus for 2-3 days must obtain a “Visitor Pass” from Transportation and Parking Services at no cost
- For events that do not require the reservation of a parking lot, but a small number of vehicles are expected on-campus, it’s still a good idea to contact Transportation and Parking Services to check on the availability of parking and other events that day.
Approved By: B. Hofler Milam, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration & CFO
Effective Date: July 1, 2014 | Approval Date: May 2, 2014
Revisions: October 26, 2015 | July 19, 2019 | November 11, 2019 | August 26, 2021| August 25, 2022 | May 30, 2023 | July 1, 2024 | November 1, 2024
Type: Administrative Procedure| Number: 9.1.01
Responsible Official: John Wise, VP Hospitality & Auxiliary Services
Administrative Procedure Statement
Over the last several years, Wake Forest University has experienced a significant increase in the demand for parking. It is important that we manage this demand carefully by incentivizing alternatives to individual vehicle commuting (often referred to as SOV or single-occupancy-vehicle commuting). If we do not manage this demand, we are faced with the expansion of surface lots at great financial expense to the University. An increase in surface lots will also result in a loss of our green spaces.
After studying various alternatives, we determined that instituting a parking fee that provides incentives for faculty and staff to carpool and/or use alternative modes of transportation would best help achieve our objectives. We added a no-cost off-site parking option for those members of the Wake Forest community who choose not to pay for on-campus parking and/ or cannot take advantage of the alternatives.
1. Employee Parking PermitsExempt and nonexempt faculty and staff, both full-time and part-time and WFU temporary personnel, who choose to park a motorized vehicle on the Reynolda campus, during weekday hours (8 AM to 4 PM) must obtain an annual parking permit. The fee to obtain a parking permit will be calculated on current percentage of 0.3% of post-tax compensation from each regular paycheck over the course of the year. See Section 2 for more information on the payroll deduction process.
Faculty and staff have the following parking permit options:
1.1 On-Campus Employees
Faculty and staff who work on campus may select from one of four vehicle permits: 1) a permit to park a single occupancy motorized vehicle on the Reynolda campus, 2) a parking decal to park a motorcycle or motorized scooter on the Reynolda campus, 3) a carpool permit for the Reynolda campus (see Section 5), or 4) a permit to park in a designated satellite parking lot for free.
1.2 Off-Campus Employees
Faculty and staff who work at Bridger Field House, Graylyn, Human Resources (HR), Reynolda Gardens, Reynolda House, Reynolda Village, University Corporate Center (UCC), or any other satellite locations are not required to purchase a parking permit, but must have their vehicles registered with Transportation and Parking Services.. Off-campus faculty and staff who visit campus have the following parking options: 1) park at the satellite location and ride the shuttle to the Reynolda campus for meetings; 2) if approved by the department senior leadership, purchase a parking permit to be able to park on campus at any time; 3) use a departmental issued hangtag and park in any faculty staff or general parking lot.
Permanent Innovation Quarter (IQ) Faculty/Staff
- Pay 0.3% of pre-tax compensation through payroll deduction
- No secondary fee to park at IQ
Dual Innovation Quarter and WFU Faculty/ Staff
- Pay 0.3% of pre-tax compensation through payroll deduction
- No secondary fee to park at IQ
- Can park on the Reynolda Campus and at IQ
2. Payroll Deduction
2.1 Payroll deduction is required for all hourly, salaried, full and part-time faculty and staff purchasing an on-campus parking hangtag. Payment by payroll deduction protects the confidentiality of salary information, reduces clerical efforts and administrative expenses, and streamlines the registration process.
2.2 Faculty and staff parking fees will be calculated as 0.3% of base compensation and will not include consideration of overtime or additional compensation. The university will also establish a maximum parking rate. An annual adjustment to the maximum parking rate may be made to correspond with the standard approved percent annual wage increase. The annualized fee will not exceed $1,143.24 for FY25.
2.3 Payroll deductions will remain in effect until the parking hangtag is relinquished and the payroll deduction is canceled. A faculty or staff member may cancel payroll deduction at any time, subject to the following limitation: The faculty or staff member must contact the University’s Transportation and Parking Services Office at least fifteen business days prior to the beginning of a payroll period for the cancellation to be effective for that payroll period. For any period in which an employee does not receive a regular paycheck, but retains parking privileges, the employee consents to the parking fee for that period being accrued and deducted from their next regular paycheck.
2.4 If the cost of a parking hangtag should change for any reason, or before a new parking hangtag is issued, faculty and staff will be given advanced written notice and the opportunity to discontinue payroll deduction election in accordance with section 2.3. If an employee does not cancel the payroll deduction election in accordance with section 2.3 after such notice, the payroll deduction election will be automatically adjusted to the new rate.
2.5 Participation in the program will cease automatically upon termination of employment with the University. The parking hangtag must be returned by the employee as part of the University’s exit interview process. Faculty and staff will not be entitled to receive a refund for any portion of the month for which they have paid for a parking hangtag and will be unable to use the hangtag because employment with the University has terminated.
2.6 Receipt of a parking hangtag and participation in this payroll deduction program are completely voluntary and not a condition of employment. You do not have to obtain a parking hangtag in order to work for the University if you will not be driving a vehicle.
3. Policies
3.1 Departments may not increase an employee’s remuneration, except in the initial rollout, in order to compensate for their parking hangtag. Similarly, departments may not offer compensation for a parking hangtag as part of a new hire bonus.
3.2 Departments may not pay for an employee’s designated parking hangtag.
3.3 Dependents of faculty and staff, who are either enrolled as a student or working at WFU, are required to register their vehicles if they wish to park on the Reynolda campus. The use of a family member’s faculty/staff parking hangtag by a student is strictly prohibited. Students identified as improperly using a faculty/staff parking hangtag will be referred to WFU Judiciary Affairs as a potential honor code violation.
3.4 Faculty and staff cannot use departmental reserved spaces for personal use. Departmental reserved spaces are $500/year, per space and are used only for department vehicles or select approved vehicles that are registered with parking services.
3.5 Faculty and staff are responsible for citations, and department funds cannot be used to pay employee citation fines. Faculty and staff with unpaid citations will receive notification via email from Transportation and Parking Services with outstanding citations. Unpaid parking fines will result in the suspension of on-campus parking privileges and require the vehicle to park off-campus until all outstanding fines are paid. See section 3.14.
3.6 Faculty and staff assigned a WFU-owned vehicle, which is used on a regular basis for traveling to/from home, are required to purchase a parking hangtag.
3.7 Faculty and staff who park on campus during any portion of the day between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays are required to pay full price for a parking hangtag. There will be no prorated parking fees.
3.8 A parking hangtag issued by UCC or other parking management entities would not grant access to on-campus parking during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays.
3.9 Faculty and staff who work outside the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays are not required to pay for parking and are allowed to park on campus but must register their vehicles with Transportation and Parking Services.
3.10 Any employee, including employees with an off-campus parking hangtag, may park on campus after 4:00 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends. Vehicles with off-campus hangtags must be off campus by 8:00 a.m. on weekdays. Faculty and staff can park in all parking facilities designated General and Faculty/Staff. The only exception is Lot C, which is a 24/7 visitor lot.
3.11 Retired faculty and staff are not required to purchase a parking hangtag unless they return to work. A special parking hangtag will be issued by the Transportation and Parking Services office, which allows them to park in faculty-staff and general parking lots for free.
3.12 Individuals (non-employees) who require special or limited need parking on campus during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. may purchase a semester permit for $50. This option would be available for individuals who are auditing a class, regularly take advantage of the library or other limited on-campus parking.
3.13 Motorcycle decals are not based on a percentage of salary, but are $50 for an annual decal. Employees who purchase a parking hangtag to park an automobile on-campus may receive a motorcycle decal for free. Motorcycles will receive a parking decal and can only park in designated motorcycle spaces.
3.14 Immobilization, or booting, of a vehicle will occur if previous attempts to collect citation fees are unsuccessful, if a vehicle is not registered or if the vehicle owner is a habitual violator of parking rules and regulations.. Neither the University nor third parties engaged by the University are responsible for any damage incurred from booting. Before a boot is installed, a prior notification/warning will be given to the registered driver or placed on the vehicle to be booted that several violations have occurred. These notifications are intended to allow the vehicle operator to correct improper parking behavior and contact Transportation and Parking Services. Booting will occur for one of the following reasons and is based on each academic year:
• Accruing five (5) or more unpaid citations.
• Accruing four (4) citations for No Registration
• Accruing eleven (11) paid citations
More information on booting and towing can be found on the Transportation and Parking Services website at parking@wfu.edu
3.15 Lot N (between Kitchin and Poteat) is reserved for visitors and authorized off-campus faculty and staff visiting the Reynolda campus for meetings. Off-campus faculty and staff must have a departmental hangtag to park in Lot N. Departmental hangtags are available for $500/year for each hangtag and are limited. The number of hangtags available for departments is determined by the scope of need and size of the department. Requests for hangtags are to be referred to the Director of Transportation and Parking Services for consideration. Departmental hangtags cannot be assigned to an individual. Off-campus faculty and staff include the following locations: Bridger Field House, Graylyn, HR, Reynolda Gardens, Reynolda House, Reynolda Village, UCC and the Medical Center.
3.16 Off-campus faculty and staff whose job requires them to travel to campus infrequently or on a time-sensitive basis have the options to: 1) use the shuttle system, 2) park in Lot N, faculty-staff or general parking lots with a departmental parking hangtag, 3) If approved by the department head, purchase their own on-campus parking hangtag allowing them to park in any campus lot.
3.17 Students employed by the University as graduate teaching assistants or graduate hall directors (GHDs) are required to purchase a student permit and do not qualify for the faculty/staff parking fee structure.
3.18 Stipends to students who are also employees (i.e., GHDs) can be increased to cover the cost of a student permit.
3.19 Non-University paid temporary employees are required to purchase a parking hangtag and must do so in person at the Transportation and Parking Services office. Non-University paid temporary employees will pay a flat monthly fee of $10 instead of a percent of their salary.
3.20 University-paid temporary employees fees will be calculated as a percentage of bi-weekly or monthly gross pay.
3.21 Vendors or service providers who provide a service to students for free will not be charged a parking fee but must register their vehicle with Transportation and Parking Services. These providers will be issued the appropriate parking pass and can park in all parking lots, and Service Vehicle Only and time-limited spaces.
Concessionaire employees that provide an auxiliary service on campus are required to pay an annual fee of $60.00.
Vendors or service providers who do not provide a service for free will not be charged a parking fee but must register their vehicle with Transportation and Parking Services. These providers will be issued the appropriate parking pass and can park in all parking lots, and Service Vehicle Only and time-limited spaces.
3.22 A faculty/staff parking hangtag does not guarantee a parking space next to the workplace.
4. Vehicle Registration
The vehicle registration process requires the following information: vehicle license plate number, state of registration, vehicle year, make, model and color.
4.1 Faculty and staff will log onto http://wfuparking.t2hosted.com, select “Register Your Vehicle,” enter their WFU Login ID (excluding @wfu.edu) and password and select “Purchase a Permit” to begin the registration process.
4.2 Faculty and staff must register all vehicles that will be driven to campus but will receive only one parking hangtag that can be interchangeable between vehicles. The parking hangtag must be visible from the rearview mirror at all times while parked. The parking hangtag will serve a dual purpose as a parking hangtag and a gate pass.
4.3 Parking hangtags ordered online will be delivered to appropriate departments for distribution to faculty and staff via campus mail.
5. Alternative Transportation
5.1 Carpooling
Carpooling saves money and gas, and reduces air pollution. If two (2) or more employees carpool, parking is free. One “carpool” parking hangtag will be issued and shared between participants. Transportation and Parking Services will provide each carpool member with four (4) free Day Passes per driver, per semester, that can be used when an individual is unable to carpool. Additional Day Passes may be purchased at a price of $5.00 per day. Members of the carpool can choose a location on campus that they would like to park nearest to and Transportation and Parking Services will designate a carpool space as near to that location as possible. Registration for carpool can be done online here. Visit the Transportation and Parking Services website for more information on the carpool policy.
5.2 ShareTheRideNC
ShareTheRideNC’s electronic ride-sharing board helps Wake Forest students, faculty and staff connect with regular carpool partners, others who are traveling to the same destination on a given day, or just in the same direction for part of the ride. Rides are matched based on the criteria set by the individuals offering and seeking ride-share partners. Interested individuals can join the secure online community and find a carpool partner.
5.3 Bicycle Commuting
Faculty and staff who ride a bicycle to work on a frequent basis may register as bicycle commuters. These employees will be issued eight (8) free day passes per semester that will allow them to drive a vehicle to work and park on-campus when needed. Additional Day Passes may be purchased at a price of $5.00 per day. Bicycle commuters must register their bicycles with the Transportation and Parking Services Office. Registration frequently aids in the recovery of stolen bicycles. At the end of each semester, unclaimed unregistered bicycles will be collected and renovated for reuse.
Faculty and staff who commute by bicycle infrequently have the option of purchasing an on-campus permit or choosing a free permit to park at the satellite lot location when driving a vehicle to work.
5.4 Pedestrian Commuting
Faculty and staff who walk to work on a frequent basis may register with Transportation and Parking Services as pedestrian commuters. These employees will be issued eight (8) free day passes per semester that will allow them to drive a vehicle to work and park on-campus when needed. Additional Day Passes may be purchased at a price of $5.00 per day.
5.5 WSTA
The Winston Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) Route 90 bus travels from the downtown Winston-Salem transportation center to campus daily, 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. For more information, visit the WS Transit website
5.6 Zipcars
For all commuters who choose not to park on the Reynolda campus and need occasional access to a vehicle, Wake Forest offers a car-sharing program. Zipcars are an affordable option that is available by the hour or by the day. Cars are parked on campus near the first-year residence halls, between Kitchin and Poteat Halls, and on the North campus. They are available 24 hours a day; rates include gas and insurance, and departmental accounts are available. For more information or to join the network, visit the Zipcar website.
5.7 Ride the Wake Shuttles
WFU Transportation provides a network of shuttles throughout the year for students, faculty & staff. Whether you are commuting to work, getting around campus between classes, doing research at the medical center, or exploring downtown Winston Salem the Wake Line makes it easy. Keep up to date with schedules, request a ride or even track your bus live while you wait. For those who have access to a smartphone, Wake Forest offers an app that allows users to track the shuttles in real-time. Download the Transloc app.
5.8 Emergency Transportation for free satellite options
Those parking at the satellite location that need immediate access to their vehicles in the case of an emergency may contact Campus Police at 758-5911 or Transportation and Parking Services at 758- PARK (7275) to seek assistance from an officer.
Mopeds and scooters are one and the same in the eyes of North Carolina’s Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Mopeds and motor scooters are defined as a vehicle with two or three wheels with a motor of no more than 50 cubic centimeters of piston displacement and no external shifting device. Legally, a moped’s top speed cannot exceed 30 mph on a level surface. Although some mopeds on the market have top speeds higher than the 30 mph limit, they are illegal for use in North Carolina. If a moped does not fit the above requirements, it must be registered as a motorcycle under North Carolina law.
Parking Permit
- A parking permit is required for all motorized motorcycles, mopeds and motor scooters
parking on the Wake Forest University Campus. - The cost of an annual on-campus parking permit is $50.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters are required to be registered at the Transportation and Parking Services office, not online.
- Designated moped and motor scooter parking areas are located in parking lots A, M, and P.
- Mopeds and motor scooters can also park in motorcycle spaces.
- Motorcycles can only park in designated motorcycle spaces, not moped/motor scooter
spaces. Motorcycle spaces are located in lots G, H, J, L, P, Q, S, T, W-1, Z, and Jasper Memory Lane. - Parking is authorized only in spaces marked by signs or ground markings. Any motorcycle, moped or motor scooter that does not display a parking permit or that is parked in an unauthorized area is subject to being ticketed, impounded, and/or marked for future enforcement purposes.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motors scooters may not park in courtyards, sidewalks, in front of buildings or on grass.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motors scooters may not park at bicycle racks.
Safety Tips
- Never leave accessories or loose items on a parked motorcycle, moped or motor scooter.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters may not be operated on sidewalks, lawns, walkways, or similar pathways.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters may not be stored in buildings.
- Storage of fuel for motorcycles, mopeds, or motor scooters in any University-owned or controlled building is strictly prohibited.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters that leak oil or gas must be removed from campus.
Abandoned Vehicles
If a motorcycle, moped, or motor scooter is abandoned, an attempt will be made to contact the owner, if it is registered. If it is not registered or the owner cannot be contacted, campus police may remove the vehicle and dispose of it at its sole and absolute discretion.
Recent Changes to the Parking Rules & Regulations
- New License Plate Recognition (LPR) software
- Off Campus permits are only permitted to use the charging stations in the off-campus lots Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm. After 4pm weekdays and anytime on weekends the on campus charging stations can be used by off campus permit holders.
- Parking Lot N has transitioned to a Shuttle Hub and is for shuttle buses only. No student parking at anytime
- Students are prohibited from parking in reserved parking spaces at any time. This includes Visitor spaces, which 6 have been added to Lot A and 6 in Lot P
- Students residing at Deacon Place are required to register their vehicle to park at this location. Residential parking is located within the security gates.
- Students with off-campus and evening only parking permits can park on campus after 4:00 p.m. weekdays and all day on weekends
- Resident students with an on-campus RS permit are not authorized to park in Lot W1 weekdays between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Ten (10) express Loading/Unloading spaces were added on campus for students, faculty and staff (Section 2.15). Locations include parking lots A, B
,P, R1, R2, U, Polo Circle, Jasper Memory Lane and Gulley Dr. - Section 5 – Towing/Booting has completely been revised. Please read, as it is very important information
- Warning citations are only issued for a No Registration violation.
To request parking spaces please follow the link below.
To: WFU Parking Decal Requestors
From: Alex Crist
Subject: Service Lane (SL) Parking Permit and Vendor Passes
WFU has specifically identified “Service Vehicle Only” parking spaces to allow for safe and timely delivery of various services to on-campus buildings and sites.
Vendor Passes and SL parking permits are intended to identify vendor vehicles and certain WFU employee personal vehicles that are authorized to park in service vehicle parking spaces. Designed WFU vehicles do not require a SL parking permit to park in service vehicle spaces or loading areas.
Vendors that provide regular on-going services to WFU departments are issued a Vendor Pass that allows parking in service lanes. Vendors can request a Vendor Pass; however, requests will be verified by the Assistant Director, Parking Services who has authority to approve / deny requests by vendors.
Requests by WFU employees for SL permits must be submitted in writing and approved by the Director, Auxiliary Services – Internal Operations. Requests must specify the servicing requirement(s) of their position that would entitle the employee to an SL permit. Requests disapproved by the Director can be appealed to the VP of Hospitality and Auxiliary Services for additional consideration. Appeals must include additional justification that addresses the reason for approval of an SL permit.
Administrative Procedure Statement
Wake Forest University maintains a fleet of University vehicles for the purpose of conducting University business and services to the campus community in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner. This policy makes certain this is accomplished by ensuring vehicle operators meet University requirements and follow University procedures; vehicle repairs and preventive maintenance programs are performed as required; the vehicle acquisition process is standardized to ensure the appropriate vehicle is procured for its suitable use; and cost effectiveness is pursued in purchasing, maintenance and vehicle operation. Each department is responsible for ensuring that drivers are in compliance and guidelines are followed. This is a comprehensive policy to include all University departments.
Related Policies
University Procurement Policy,
http://finance.wfu.edu/files/reynoldacampus_procurement_policy.pdf University Fixed Asset Policy and Procedures, Fixed Asset Inventory Procedures, http://finance.wfu.edu/faculty-staff/asset-management
Related Documents
Driver’s License Checklist
Driver Performance Standards
Driver Statement and Signature
Departmental Vehicle Coordinator Designation Form
Motor Vehicle Record Release Form
Vehicle Accident Report
- Driver Authorization
- The department to which the vehicle is assigned will authorize the use of its departmental University vehicle(s). Such use will be confined strictly to faculty, staff, and students conducting official business for the University directly relating to the academic, research, and/or administrative responsibility of the department involved.
Departments will ensure that only employees with valid driver’s licenses operate WFU owned and rental vehicles.
Driver Qualifications
- All drivers must possess a valid North Carolina driver license (DL) or license from another state that is appropriate for the class/type of vehicle being operated.
The driver’s licenses of all employees who are assigned a University vehicle(s), or who may be expected to drive a University vehicle, must be visually verified by the department.Having a valid CDL of the proper class is a condition of employment if required for an employee’s job classification and job description.
∙ A driver holding a CDL is required to have a Department of Transportation approved physical examination every two years, or every one year if medical reasons require such. The employee’s department pays for the first physical examination and biennial physicals going forward. If special tests are required (EKGs, X
rays, etc.), the cost of the physical examination is the employee’s responsibility.
∙ The employee’s department reimburses him or her for any CDL amendments required for the employee’s job classification, or if the job requires a CDL after employment.
∙ The department employing the driver must ensure that its employees are trained on the appropriate equipment.
∙ The University allows the use of a vehicle for the practical test on University time.
∙ An employee is allowed to take the written test and the practical test up to two times on University time. After two failures it is the employee’s responsibility to take the test on his or her personal time.
∙ An employee who is unable to obtain the proper license may be reassigned or discharged, subject to availability of a position or the needs of the department.
∙ The employee is responsible for keeping his or her license and physical examination updated. Failure to have a current physical examination or license may result in disciplinary action. The employee must notify his or her supervisor of any traffic violations the next working day.
∙ An employee who loses the license must obtain a new license on his or her personal time.
∙ Shuttle bus drivers are required to have the CDL “P” endorsement.
- The Director of Parking and Transportation will conduct random audits annually to ensure all documents and tracking are up to date.
III.University Vehicle Operation
- Vehicles must be operated in accordance with all state, local and University traffic regulations.
- Vehicles shall not be used for the following purposes:
- Business other than official University business.
- Personal convenience.
iii. Domicile-to-duty transportation, unless assigned a WFU commuter vehicle, which must be approved by the department’s vice president.
- The transportation of any other person not essential to the accomplishment of the purpose for which the vehicle is dispatched.
- Vehicles should be routinely inspected for mechanical problems, leaks, exterior and interior damages, safety inspections on tires, lights, wipers, etc., and routine maintenance performed such as cleaning, fuel, oil, water, battery, etc. Under no circumstances shall an unsafe vehicle be operated. All problems should be reported to Fleet Management (336-758-4259) to initiate repair action.
- University faculty, staff and students are personally responsible for the prompt payment of fines for any citations received while driving a University vehicle. University funds may not be used to pay fines.
- Smoking is prohibited in University vehicles.
- Use of cell phones is discouraged while driving a University owned vehicle, unless the use of a hands-free device is used and/or the vehicle is pulled over.
- Texting is prohibited while driving.
- Vehicle Idling
- It is the policy of WFU to continually improve the efficient use of vehicle fuels in an effort to reduce emissions and operating costs. To reduce overall emissions on campus and improve air quality, all vehicles on University property are prohibited from idling unnecessarily. Vehicle operators will adhere to the following standards:
- Idling is prohibited (with the limited exceptions listed below) when the ambient temperature is above 32 degrees F.
- Five (5) minute idle time limit when ambient temperature is 32 degrees and below.
- Idling is prohibited in “No Idle Zones”. Signs indicate the location of these zones.
- Vehicles will not be left idling when the operator is away from the vehicle (with the limited exceptions listed below).
- Exceptions:
- Emergency response vehicles when responding to
an emergency
- Vehicles that must remain a specific temperature for
onboard materials.
- Health or safety reasons (e.g., severe weather
conditions, use of vehicle safety features)
Below 0 degrees for diesel vehicles.
Traffic conditions.
- To encourage efficient use of vehicles and fuel, employees traveling to the same destination are encouraged to carpool when possible.
IV.Student Drivers
- Students must be 18 years of age or older and meet the operator driver requirements in Section III to drive a University vehicle.
- Students must have a faculty/staff sponsor or Advisor to operate a WFU vehicle.
- Student drivers must also be listed on the department’s driver’s license log.
- All students must take the Vehicle Safety class that is offered by the Police Department before driving a WFU van.
An employee who rents a vehicle (from a commercial agency) for Wake Forest University business purposes must meet all operator requirements of this policy. Additional insurance coverage is not required from the rental company, if the employee is traveling on University business. This only applies to North America.
Current University agreement information for car rental information is located at www.finance.wfu.edu.
If you are involved in an accident driving a University vehicle:
- Do not move the vehicle. Call University Police Department if on the Wake Forest Reynolda campus.
- Call the local police department if you are not on the Reynolda campus.
- Consult the instructions in the glove compartment of all University vehicles.
- Notify your supervisor as soon as possible.
- Complete the Vehicle Accident Report Form and submit original to the Risk Management group [Manager, Risk Services – FAS (336-758-4197)], a copy to Environmental Health and Safety (336- 758-5385) and a copy to Fleet Management (336-758-4259).
- University Police (UPD):
∙ Investigates accidents involving University vehicles (within UPD jurisdiction).
- Environmental Health and Safety:
∙ Reviews and evaluates accidents involving University owned vehicles.
- Finance and Accounting:
∙ Manages all claims pertaining to accidents involving University vehicles
- Fleet Management coordinates with appropriate departments, Risk Services and local repair shops to obtain estimates and vehicle repairs in a timely manner.
VII. Vehicle Acquisition Process
- All vehicle acquisitions shall be approved by Fleet Management. Fleet Management will review and recommend vehicle replacements. Any acquisition in excess of $10,000 must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Vice President, prior to any vehicle purchase. Any department requesting a vehicle replacement or increase in fleet shall submit such request in writing to the Fleet Manager, documenting the need for the vehicle, explaining why the existing vehicle is not capable of meeting the need, and verifying that no existing vehicle(s) in their fleet will serve that purpose.
- All vehicle acquisitions shall be approved in accordance with the University’s financial approval guidelines for equipment acquisitions prior to requesting a vehicle purchase. Customer should complete an appropriate purchase requisition and submit to Procurement Services in accordance with the Wake Forest University Procurement Policy. Procurement Services will notify the Fleet Manager of the pending requisition.
- All vehicle purchases (motor vehicles, golf carts, utility vehicles, etc.) and specifications must be reviewed by Fleet Management to ensure that vehicles meet the guidelines of this policy and business needs of the University and customer.
- Fleet Management recommendations for special equipment and/or vehicle modification must be included in the final specification.
- Fleet Management will provide complete vehicle specifications to WFU Procurement Services, which will secure quotes, find the best value for the University, and purchase the vehicle. Procurement Services will notify Financial and Accounting Services of the acquisition for insurance and asset capitalization purposes. Fleet Management will issue a requisition for Facilities and Campus Service purchases and Procurement will issue Purchase Orders for all vehicle purchases. Procurement Services is responsible for ensuring correct coding of requisitions and purchase orders for the acquisition of capital items.
- The Fixed Asset Accountant will capitalize all new vehicles over $5,000 and add them to the Fleet Management fixed asset listing. An official inventory of Fleet Management will take place once every two years. However, the Fixed Asset Accountant will contact Fleet Management
quarterly to compare asset listings and make corrections as necessary.
- Fleet Management will inspect newly acquired vehicles to ensure they meet all appropriate specifications. All expenses related to the vehicle preparation process shall be charged to the department which will be operating the vehicle.
- Fleet Management will install vehicle markings. No decals, stickers, signs, or other markings are allowed on any University vehicle, other than official markings. All WFU-owned vehicles will be stenciled with the department name and include the WFU logo. Exceptions to this requirement are listed below and must be requested of the AVP for Facilities & Campus Services. Exceptions include:
∙ Commuter vehicles (e.g. authorized by a cabinet officer for travel between work and home per a special work need)
∙ Special use justification (e.g. undercover police vehicle)
∙ Department Specific Logos
VIII. Fleet Size
- Wake Forest University seeks to stabilize the size of the vehicle fleet, except in cases resulting from program growth or changes. When additional vehicles are necessary, the person requesting the increase will provide justification stating the need for the increase that has been approved by the appropriate department and Fleet Management.
- A vehicle must be turned in to Fleet Management within 7-days of receipt of a replacement vehicle.
- The Manager of Fleet Management will perform a random annual audit of the fleet vehicles to ensure accurate and appropriate compliance with the fleet policy requirements.
IX.Vehicle Disposal (http://finance.wfu.edu/files/fixed-asset-policy.pdf)
- Disposals of vehicles will be handled by the Manager of Fleet Management.
- Criteria used to determine when a vehicle is replaced includes, but is not limited to, safety, age obsolescence, mileage and maintenance cost.
- Departments shall promptly advise Surplus when any asset (regardless of its’ value) is no longer required. Surplus will make the decision on the most cost effective and beneficial disposition of the asset and complete the Fixed Asset Update Form for those assets that have been capitalized.
- If a vehicle is sold to an outside organization, it shall first be decommissioned by Fleet Management. All decommissioning costs are the responsibility of the operating department.
- Fleet Management will identify vehicles that are to be sold and will contact, at a minimum, three independent used automobile dealers to bid on the vehicles. Fleet Management will be responsible for the disposition and will receive bids and award to the highest bidder on each vehicle.
- Payment will only consist of certified check or money order – no cash will be accepted for payment.
- In accordance with the provisions outlined in the Fixed Assets administrative policy, Fleet Management may work with Procurement Services and may trade a vehicle to an automobile dealer when purchasing a vehicle from that particular automobile dealer.
- All proceeds from the sale of University vehicles will be recorded in the unrestricted operating fund unless the property was purchased with grant funds (see OMB Circular A- 110 for information regarding grant assets). Vehicles purchased with auxiliary departmental funds may receive proceeds for disposed vehicles.
- Passenger Vans
- Due to multiple advisories and warnings issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding the increased risk of rollover of 15 passenger vans, the University discourages the purchase or rental of 15-passenger vans. Requestors are encouraged to consider 12 passenger vans or shuttle buses and Fleet Management can assist with alternate vehicles.
- Any 15-passenger vans in the WFU fleet must adhere to the following: ∙ Drivers must be at least 18 years of age.
∙ All drivers, including Volunteer Service Corps and WFU Student Emergency Response Team must complete a driver safety course and training program geared toward van operation that is offered by the University Police Department.
∙ No trailers are allowed to be towed behind a 15 passenger van.
∙ Loading on top or attaching to the sides of 15 passenger vehicles can not alter the center of gravity of the vehicle. No luggage or luggage carrier can be loaded on top of a 15 passenger van.
- Situation that arise that require top or side loading must be
inspected by senior department leadership and/or Fleet
- No student is permitted to drive a vehicle with top or side
loaded cargo
∙ Back seats must be removed and this area can be loaded with cargo. However, cargo cannot exceed the height of the rear seat and must not block rearview vision.
∙ Tires will be replaced regardless of tread depth if side walls are faulty due to age or otherwise deemed unsafe by Fleet Management.
XI.Utility Vehicles
- For the purpose of this policy, all vehicles classified as a utility vehicle are non-licensed vehicles, including, but not limited to, golf carts, Kubotas, Gator (ATV) and Diahatsus. These vehicles are also classified as departmental equipment. Departments are solely responsible for following and enforcing the required procedures outlined in this policy.
Fleet/Driver Management Procedure
University Financial Policies Page 10 of 17
- All acquisitions for utility vehicles will follow the same process as described in section VII, Vehicle Acquisition Process.
- On-campus use
∙ Utility vehicles can be used on sidewalks or grass. Drivers shall be respectful of the landscape and keep from repeatedly parking or driving on the same area.
XII. Vehicle Maintenance / Safety Inspections
- Fleet Management will schedule all vehicles requiring preventive maintenance/safety inspections. This will be done to minimize out-of service time to the using department. Vehicles that are unsafe or in noncompliance with emissions standards remain at Fleet Management until repaired. The department is notified of the expected repairs completion date. Fleet Management does not have loaner vehicles for such occurrences, but can recommend a rental or lease company. The using department will be responsible for rentals of a replacement vehicle.
- All University vehicles receive preventive maintenance and safety inspection annually, at a minimum, or in accordance with the manufacture’s specification. The program is administered by Fleet Management. Failure to comply with requests by Fleet Management
personnel to make the vehicle available for servicing may result in notification to the responsible department head. Fleet Management may notify the responsible department director for vehicles overdue preventative maintenance inspections more than 30-days.
- Annually, all University vehicles are required by North Carolina to pass a safety and emissions test in order to renew license plates. Fleet Management administers this program and will make notification to the responsible department in advance to schedule this inspection. Failure to provide the vehicle for this inspection in a timely manner will result in the vehicle being unauthorized to be operated if the vehicle inspection expiration date and license plate have expired.
XIII. Vehicle Billing Procedures
- Department vehicles are billed for materials (at cost) and hourly labor. XIV. Departmental Vehicle Coordinators
- All departments are responsible for establishing a vehicle coordinator in their areas of responsibility. The vehicle coordinator will be the main departmental contact for Fleet Management. The Departmental Vehicle Coordinator Designation Form (Appendix D) should be completed and forwarded to the Fleet Management Manager anytime a change of coordinator or vehicle occurs.
- Fueling/Credit Cards
- All fuel purchases for WFU vehicles must be made from the WFU fueling facility located on-campus next to Fleet Management, the exceptions are: ∙ A select few Facilities & Campus Services employees, as designated by the AVP, are assigned a University Procurement (PCard) Card for on-road diesel fuel and emergencies (weather, gas pump failure, etc.)
∙ Fueling vehicles outside the range of the WFU fueling facility. A university purchasing card should be used in these instances.
- A PIN must be obtained and used to pump fuel at the WFU pumps. In order to obtain a PIN, the employee’s supervisor must email the Fleet Manager with the employee’s login, WFUID, and department
number. The employee must sign a form to obtain and acknowledge receipt of the PIN.
In order to obtain a fuel card or fuel fob, the supervisor must email the Fleet Manager and describe which WFU vehicle(s) need a gas card/fob and the budget code that the fuel is to be charged to.
Fuel is only to be pumped into WFU owned vehicles/equipment.